A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses
A book is body of immaterial representations or intellectual object.
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses
Characterized by full-spread drawings.
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses
Books for Left-Brained Readers
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses
How to write a book: literary dos and don’ts.
Both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses.
Gerard Way celebrates release of new book in Instagram post.
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses.
Mein allererstes portable Wimmel-Bilderbuch
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses.
A look back at how book reviewing has changed
A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses.
Andrej Korobejshchikov
Author/Writer Der russische Autor ist Spezialist dafür, die verborgenen Fähigkeiten des Menschen an die Oberfläche zu bringen. Zwölf Jahre lang war er tief in die Tradition der Sibirischen Jagd eingetaucht und hat die Philosophie und die praktischen Fertigkeiten der TAI-SHIN Jäger-Krieger erlernt. Indem der Autor seine mystischen Erfahrungen an das moderne städtische Leben angepasst und …